Suggestion To Sell

People kept suggesting Teri take the $9 million and be done with the whole thing. But until they make her a reasonable offer Teri will not give it up. It took an amazing amount of strength to reject $9 million but she had a strong reason to not sell it, one that has kept her going all these years.

Pollock Expert

There was one reason that kept her resolution strong even when she could have desperately used financial support. It all started when she first heard the artist’s name from her friend all those years ago. She didn’t know much about him then but over the years, she became an expert about his life and his personality. She read books about him and also watched his interviews.

Man Of Principles

As told by his wife and friends, Teri read that Pollock was willing to fight for what is right. Teri learned that Pollock was a man of principles. He had a really strong sense of right and wrong. He never saw fame in his life, his work only got famous after his time. 

Honoring The Artist

One of Pollock’s friends said that he would never sell a canvas for less than what he thought it was worth. Even when he was hungry and could not keep his house warm he refused to sell it to people who were trying to pick it up cheap. Teri learned to honor the spirit of the artist and make sure justice is served. 

Twist Of Fate

Through some twist of fate, Teri ended up in the same situation as Pollock where people were trying to buy his work for cheap. She decided to follow in his footsteps and stayed true to his wishes by not selling the painting cheap.

Strong Woman

In the 25 years that have gone by since the incident, Teri is still holding on to the painting. Even when her pension is not quite enough to pay rent, she sometimes resorts to panhandling on the streets to make a difference in her earnings. But even with all these difficulties, she did not trade the painting short of what its worth.