The New Offer

It is believed that Teri found the original No.5, 1948 at that thrift shop and bought it for $5. It can be confirmed by the markings in the corner that Pollock was apparently supposed to fix. After this information got around, a new offer was made for the painting. This one stood at $9 million.

Outsmart The Woman

It seemed like these art “experts” were trying to make a fool out of Teri. They were trying to tempt her into accepting a lowball offer assuming she would accept it out of desperation as that kind of money can change her life. They keep saying how they don’t believe it is real yet offer her $9 million for it.

Why The Fuss?

As the word got around about this painting controversy, people began to wonder what the fuss is all about. For something which seems so ordinary, how is it worth millions of dollars? The answer is quite easy. All of Pollock’s paintings in his trademark “drip series” are displayed in various museums. All except the “No. 5, 1948” which was owned by a private collector. 

Not For Sale

The paintings in the museums are not for sale so that results in a lack of supply in the market, which ultimately makes this one painting popular and high in demand. This means only an extraordinary price can buy this precious item. Items like these are not only a source of investment but also a status symbol.

Making A Decision

Teri was not going to fall for their tricks and neither stand for the injustice they were doing. Yes, $9 million can indeed change her life but she had decided to not selling the painting. There was only one reason for it and that reason was not money.

Living On A Shoestring

Even though Teri was living in a trailer, she refused to sell the painting. Teri believed it was important to make a point on behalf of all the “general” people out there, that they should not let anyone talk down to them especially not by those people who think they are better than the rest. This was one of the reasons why she chose to not sell it.