New Proof

Science was on Teri’s side and provided with new evidence that the artist’s fingerprints were found around the frame of the painting. But the art “experts” were still not convinced. They said, “fingerprints, all this stuff, is kind of that lovely ‘what if’. It is not essential to the heart and artistic soul of the thing, and that painting has no Pollock soul or heart.”

Chaotic Presence

The painting had caused an uproar in the art world. The group was divided into two parts, one which believed Teri and the others who questioned the authenticity of the painting. It felt like this group of “experts” wanted to convince Teri that she did not have the original painting and give it up easily.

Exposing Their Intentions

The experts completely turned around and did something which exposed their true intentions. On the one hand, none of them believed that the painting is original while on the other hand, one of them made Teri an offer for it. Teri realized they unquestionably want that painting for themselves. 

The Offer

The offer made for the painting was $2 million. Considering the fact that the painting was an original and would be worth so much more, this offer was simply an insult to Teri. While if they didn’t consider this painting to be an original, why were they ready to pay $2 million for it? If the painting is fake, it should be worth nothing.

Refusing The Offer

Teri felt that by making this offer they were indirectly saying, “Just take these $2 million and go away. We don’t want your low education here.” But Teri was anything but a pushover. She knew how to handle herself and not give in to bullies.

New Information

At last, there was finally some context to how Teri found an original Jack Pollock at a thrift store. A private investigator discovered some new information and evidence regarding the story. Someone had sent the famous No.5, 1948, Pollock’s most expensive painting, to be “repaired” by the artist. And instead of doing that, Pollock just painted a new painting.