Jennifer Darmon considered her self the luckiest person on earth until a misfortune incident took place in her life. She had a perfect job with a loving fiance. What more do you need to live your life blissfully? But one day everything changed. Her perfect life turned into a struggling one. The woman lost her legs while on a trip with his fiancee. Their van collided with a car and that left Jennifer paralyzed for whole life. It was also a major emotional set back for Jennifer but thankfully, her fiance Mike stood by her even though when she was not able to stand on her feet.
Mike who loved her above all the abilities and disabilities, proposed her for marriage. The woman said yes and began to prepare for her special day. She decided to give her would-be groom the best surprise of his life. And she does so that brings tears not only in Mike’s eyes but each and every people witnessing the moment.
The Big Event
Jennifer Darmon became a bride but not a usual one. The woman was finally getting married to her fiance Mike Belawetz. She was deeply in love with him and so wanted their wedding day to be very, very, special. The woman had started planning the day from the time Mike popped up the question to her. Like every other woman on the earth, she had lots of expectation from her wedding day.

A Crush
Their love story began in 2006. Jennifer Darmon used to work as a teller in a bank of Windsor, Canada. This was the same bank where Mike used to go. According to Mike, it was love at first sight. He felt attracted to her the very moment he laid his eyes on her. Mike who is shy by nature began to frequent the bank thrice a week.
Kept Coming Back
Till then Jennifer had no idea that she was the sole reason why Mike kept coming back to the bank. Clearly, he was head over heels in love with her and wanted to know more about that girl. That is the reason he continued hitting the bank even though he did not need to.
A Love Story
So what attracted him the most about the girl, “Obviously she’s a very, very pretty girl, which was the main attraction,” explained Mike. He continued that is the thing that “kept me going to the bank.” The woman too had started taking a liking in him. And that is the reason why she said yes when he asked her out for a date.
First Date
Their first date went awesome. And after that, they went on many dates that only made them surer about their feelings for each other. Soon, they became one of the cutest couples in the town. They would never miss out on an opportunity of spending time with each other. Life had never been so beautiful to them. Mike had even planned their future but life has a bad habit of surprising you.
Trips Yayyyyyyy
They had many things in common and one of them was that both of them loved going on adventurous trips. So, the two went on an adventurous trip when life hit them really hard. The couple was driving to their destiny when a car collided with their van. Luckily, there was no loss of life still……..