The Promise
Everyone was interested in knowing what the bride has to say and then started speaking, “First I want to thank you for accepting me as your friend and allowing me to be a part of Landon’s life. I promise to be an amazing mother to your son. I will guide, teach, and love him every single day.” Her vows were for Casey and Landon.
More To The Speech
Each and everyone in the church was overloaded with emotions. They never knew this side of the bride. All of her friends always saw her as a bubbly and loving person but no one knew that she can put so many thoughts and efforts into something. She was mentally prepared to speak as she had a lot to speak. The main thing was that her vows were not only about taking care of Landon but much more.
Respecting And Listening
“And I promise to respect, work, listen, and communicate together as co-parents. I will love you guys no matter what comes our way. We are one family, always,” she ended her vows with these words. She wanted to tell them that there will never be any carelessness from her side. And she wanted to see Landon become a generous guy.
More To Address
Katie made a strong impact on both the families with her words. Her assurance made the environment of the room so emotional. Katie, a responsible young woman showed it to everyone that she was not just saying it for the sake of saying it but she was going to prove it to them. Her vows were not yet completed as she had something for Jeremy and Landon too.
A Vow To Landon
The minister made another announcement and this time he called for Landon. Looking at Landon Katie couldn’t hold back her tears and said, “I love you more than you will ever know. I’ve had the privilege of knowing you since the beginning.” She hugged him and the little boy said something to her.
A Tearful Room
Katie was expressing her journey of seeing Landon grow during all these years. She said, “I’ve loved watching you grow and I will for the rest of my life. I’m so happy that now I officially get to be your bonus mom.” Katie was taken completely by Landon’s reaction. People were trying to hold back their tears but it was hard to stop themselves from seeing the strong bond that Landon shared with Katie.