Voila! But…
As directed by the bride, everyone unwraps the gift. They found a Dunkin’ Donuts’ voucher inside. Everybody was surprised to see that. Why did the bride gift a donut to everyone? Before anyone could wrap their head around the gift, the bride again disrupted. And what she says now bewilders the crowd. What could have the bride said which left the audience so confused?
A Gift Of Gratitude
The bride says, ” Sorry to say, but this voucher is not for you but for someone else”. This statement of the bride further puzzled the audience. For whom was this gift planned? If they were not the actual receivers of this present, then who was? “This is for someone who all of us know but still doesn’t know. These men crowding my husband will provide you the answer for same”, the bride mentioned further. Now, who were these six men holding onto the answer regarding the ownership of these gifts?
The Groomsmen
The attention once again shifted from the surprise gift to those anonymous six men standing next to the groom. The bride introduced the men as her special guests. They were not only tall and well-built but something more. The bride called these,” The Groomsmen”. They were brothers to one another in one manner or the other. But, the question remained the same, what were they doing here and who exactly were they?
The Heroes
These men were not only brothers but were also fellow police officers to her husband. Admiring the men and her husband who was sitting right next to the table beside her the bride calls these men as “courageous, dedicated, selfless, headstrong”. Suddenly, the crowd got even more suspicious about there presence. Every individual was wondering about the link which bridges together the bride, the groom, these men, and the wedding gift.
The Groom’s Gift
On hearing such powerful words in their honor, the six police officers folded their arms and listened to the bride’s speech further with pride. She added,” They are the only men one can rely on the times of need, they are always available for all of us. Dear husband here’s me presenting you with your wedding gift”. As the gift unfolded it brought much of the room to tears…
The Lost Respect
The bride touches on a very serious matter. The way the general public treat other policemen and her husband was truly unfair. She says, “The lack of respect they have to face on a daily basis is really disturbing”. She wants the people to respect these brave individuals who are always there for us in our hard times. She doesn’t ask the audience much but just for some respect towards their profession. She shares a story which compelled the audience to change.