Midnight Meowing

It was quite late that night when Bernita’s heard a loud noise coming from the baby monitor. It wasn’t Stacey’s cry then what was it? She listened more attentively and quickly understood who was making this sound. She knew who but she didn’t know why.

The Baby Monitor

It was midnight, he was meowing very close to the baby monitor. Bernita tried to ignore him to get some sleep on a rocking chair but Midnight’s growling was nowhere close to ending. The yowling was so loud that Bernita gave up and ran upstairs to see what was going on.

Screaming And Crying

“It was this screech, wail, scream, cry. It was frightening enough that I jumped out of the chair and ran upstairs.” Bernita was shocked when she understood the reason behind Midnight’s strange behavior. It was a call for help from the little black friend.

Asking For Help!

As Bernita hurried to her baby’s room she tried to hush away Midnight, who was meowing right in front of the baby monitor. But the cat stared back at her. She thought to herself, “what’s the matter with this cat.”

Inside The Cradle

It was surprising as Midnight has never been this stubborn before. Bernita looked away from her at the cradle and that was it. Everything became clear to her. Midnight was meowing all this time to call for help.

Respiratory Failure

Little Stacey wasn’t able to breathe, her body color was changing to blue. Bernita was horrified by the sight and she picked up Stacey and drove to the hospital. Stacey was taken to the emergency room. This is why Midnight has been meowing for hours.