Meet Midnight
Midnight became more than just a cat for the couple. The couple started to look normal and happy once again, all thanks to their new family member. Little did they know at this time that Midnight wasn’t any ordinary cat but will change Roger’s family forever.
Lucky Charm
Midnight became a lucky charm for the couple as Bernita got pregnant within a month of welcoming the cat. After their old disappointments, the couple didn’t tell anyone about the pregnancy this time.
Looking Hopeful
Unlike her previous pregnancies, Bernita was less scared of what would happen next and more than ever hopeful for becoming a mother this time. Roy had his fears but seeing Bernita gave the man high hopes too.
The Pregnancy
The nine months of pregnancy passed aways smoothly without any complications. And over these months, Bernita and Midnight became best friends. Bernita was never able to understand the reason for Midnight’s immense affection towards her. Little did she know it was the baby she carried inside her.
Baby Stacey
Bernita gave birth to a baby girl whom Roy named as Stacey. With the baby finally here, the couple felt like their family was completed. But the clouds of gloom didn’t lift from the Rogers’ residence.
Weaker Than The Rest
Stacey was not perfectly healthy but both Bernita and Roy were doing everything they could. So far, Stacey was just underweight but not ill. Her weight was also improving with time. However, this case was about to change very quickly.