Controversy With The Location
As you may have read somewhere in the history books, the construction of this monument was not free of controversy. Even before they could start building it, the project faced a roadblock with regard to where it was located. The design was going to change the whole landscape of the location around it and it would result in a permanent change in the geology of the entire place. Some people had a problem with this.
The Native Americans
The Black Hills of South Dakota are considered to be sacred lands by several Native American tribes including the Lakotas, Cheyennes, Arapahos, and some more. The project still went through because the U.S. government had already claimed the area as a National Park. Till today the hills are still used for ritualistic purposes by the Native Americans. Proper compensation for the government using this site is in discussion till date.
Construction Begins
As of the month of October in 1927, the construction of this site began. Gutzon Borglum employed about 400 workers to assist him in making his idea come to life. For Borglum, the monument would not be just another sculpture of his or like any of his other previous works. This monument was going to be his masterpiece and his permanent gift to the American people. It would be there for even the generations in the future to witness.
More Input
However, there was still something that Borglum had up his sleeves. He had even bigger plans for the site than what was announced for the public to know. His initial plan for the whole of Mount Rushmore was not only to be carved on the side of the mountain. There was something more. He was planning on leaving clues for the future generations to be able to learn about the United States. He wanted to keep some information for the people in the future to be able to learn more about the country’s history.
Numerous Restrictions
There was so much that Gutzon Borglum had already planned on doing with the monument. He had way grander plans for the design than it turned out in the end. The first design included more than just the four presidents who ended up. He was also planning to add the map of the Louisiana Purchase along the face of the mountain. And inside the map, he was also planning on carving some of the nation’s highest accomplishments and noteworthy incidents.
Something On His Own
But sadly for him, the commission for these additions could not be made because of the limited funding they received. Even the presidents were supposed to have their carving to their waist up. Since there was limited funding, even this was not fulfilled. But then, Borglum was allowed to have an addition on his own. It is something that holds a mystery even to this day because he had a lot of other plans that was not disclosed to the public.