If you have not heard of this monument, then you are probably living under a rock. Mount Rushmore is one of the most famous historical monuments not just in the United States but in the whole world. It is a United States National Monument located in the Black Hills of South Dakota. The construction work of this historical landmark took place in 1927 and went on till October 1941. It consists of the facial sculpting of the four prominent United States Presidents: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln.

Initial Plans

The main sculptor of the monument was Gutzon Borglum. He was responsible for designing and overseeing the whole project. While Mount Rushmore to some, may just look like a bunch of facial carvings on the surface of a mountain, but there is so much more to it. Borglum initially wanted this to be a secret project and wanted to keep it from the public’s knowledge. There have been a lot of speculations as to what these fours faces hold behind closed doors.

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The Father of Mount Rushmore

Back in the year 1923, historian Doane Robinson, aka “The Father of Mount Rushmore,” was struck with a brilliant idea to get tourists to visit South Dakota. So in the year 1924, he met up with sculptor Gutzon Borglum. Borglum had helped in creating The Confederate Memorial Carving on Stone Mountain in Georgia.
Robinson told him about his idea of doing a similar project Black Hills of South Dakota, and Borlgum was in. Originally, the monument’s location was set to be in the Needles near Custer, South Dakota. The granite pillars turned out to be too thin so it was a no-go.


The Original Intention

But you would be surprised to know that the carvings of these four famous presidents was not the original plan at all. In the beginning, the idea was to actually carve world famous people to attract visitors from all over the world. There were also talks of carving eventful incidents that took place in the history of American. Then, in the end, they made a choice to carve the faces of these iconic presidents which was ultimately very well received by the people.

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The Reason

So even before the time came when Doane Robinson thought of the idea behind Mount Rushmore, the country had already had 29 presidents in its times as a country. So then a question pops up. Why did Gutzon Borglum decide to put just these four presidents and not the rest? The National Parks Service made a claim about this decision saying that all four were chosen because they each represent something about the United States.George Washington would be a representation of the birth of the nation, Jefferson would be a sign of the country’s growth, Roosevelt serves as a representation of the development, and Abraham Lincoln would be a sign of the preservation of the union. Even though there were other presidents, Borglum felt as though these four held the essence of the United States. This was the main reason why these four iconic presidents made their way on the monument.

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Gutzon Borglum’s Secret Addition

The problems faced due to a shortage of funds put a halt on the monuments original plans. But then the United States government authorized Gutzon Borglum’s special addition. So within the years 1938 and 1939, a 70-foot tunnel behind Abraham Lincoln’s head had been carved on the mountain. This, according to the great sculptor Borglum, would serve as the entrance of what would be referred to as “The Hall of Records at Mount Rushmore.” The initial plan for the idea of the Hall of Records was for it to serve as a time capsule. Gutzon Borglum’s plan was to let the future generations walk through the entrance and get to learn more and experience the history of the United States and all that it has achieved. But sadly, Borglum passed in the year 1941 before the entire monument could be finished. His son Lincoln began taking his role to oversee the remaining work that needed to be done to complete the site.

The 5th Head?


While it is quite a lesser known fact, but when the son of Doane Robinson took over his father’s project, he had plans to add another face amongst the president, the one of his father’s. But as one can imagine this idea of his didn’t go well with the common public or the investors of this project. Though he couldn’t immortalize his father amongst the presidents he did so in a secluded area not very far from the actual mount Rushmore.