Compassionate Animals
Elephants are known to be very compassionate, they walk in herds wherever they have to go. Though they are quite massive and could threaten anyone alone, they must avoid some animals in the wild. Every member of their family is deeply valued and they find it hard to let go of any member and this was the youngest member of their family fighting for his life constantly in a hole.
Sun On The Head
The sun was almost on their head and still, they weren’t able to do anything. The baby showed a little sign of movement then and now but the mud in the hole had clamped his feet really tight that he wasn’t able to climb any footing with his strength. And the matter became worse when the sun made the mud thick and it began to cake up. It seemed like the baby elephant was doomed.
Worsening Situation
When the baby elephant seemed to lose all his strength, the adults of the family became alert and roared thunderously. They move around the hole so that they could find a way to reach the baby. As the baby elephant had been trapped for hours now and wasn’t able to move, he began to lose his senses. This made the herd really anxious.
In spite of being so massive, they could hardly be in any trouble but in a situation like this, they had to call out for help. So when they had no other option they cried out for help. Their roar wasn’t the one that could be ignored the people in the vicinity, at first they couldn’t understand and was afraid of the sudden uproar from the wild. Would they be able to get the signal the herd was trying to give?
The villagers couldn’t understand that it was a warning signal and the herd needed their help. Instead, they stopped anyone from going near the jungle as they thought the herd wasn’t in a good mood and might attack if they saw anyone interrupting their peace. What people couldn’t understand was that it was a call for help. Would they be able to recognize the cry soon?
Gaining Energy
After hours of being stuck in the pit, the young one had lost all hopes of getting out but when he heard the uproar, he was filled with sudden enthusiasm and tried again to find a footing. But now as the sun was settling the mud was becoming slippery hence making it difficult for the calf to set foot on the side of the hole. He wasn’t in a mood to give up that early and jumped really hard but unfortunately, he slumped back to the hole.