10 Feet Ladders Down

Soldiers who got inside the passageway, that was on the west of A.L. Rodriguez International Airport had to go 10 feet ladder down to reach the muddy path of the tunnel.
3 Feet Wide

The tunnel was 3 feet wide and stretched over 500 feet. It was equipped with all the necessary thing. The authorities were in disbelief. They had discovered many tunnels before but this one was different. There was way more they were going to find.
The tunnel leads to an exit so small that even garbage can would be enough to cover it entirely. It opened up in the back of a pallet warehouse which did not look odd at all. In fact, the officials were very much expecting it. Smugglers often purchase legal businesses in order to keep their real money-generating business under cover. As of now, officials had gotten their hands on the tunnel and now they needed to get to the man who was using this tunnel.
Waiting It Out
The authorities did not want to jump the gun and so waited before taking any action. After a while, they saw a truck that was making its way out of the pallet factory. The vehicle was bound to some place in central San Diego. They noticed that the truck was carrying some boxes. They jumped into action the moment they found apt. Their instincts were absolutely right. The box had stored drugs.
Truck With…….
The truck was carrying a significant amount of illegal narcotics. To sum it up, there was a ton of cocaine along with over seven tons of marijuana. Even though the amount captured was quite huge, it was still not the biggest tally of illegal drugs ever to be seized by authorities. Nevertheless, it was a huge amount. As the amount was in the custody of officers, it was the apt time to catch the people behind it and interrogate them.
From Other Side
Authorities went on nabbing six suspects. People who got arrested by the officers included two Cubans, one American, and three Mexicans. Usually, in cases of this sort, culprits have ties with people or parties living on the other sides of the frontier.