Popping The Question
“He was deployed for nine months, and one month after he got home, he proposed and we got married a few weeks later,” Mandi explained, when asked about how their marriage happened. After realizing that army life was not for him, Tyler decided to quit so that he could spend time and actually be with his wife. The two could not wait to start a family of their own.
Not Working
The pair was so eager to have kids and add numbers to their family. But this was not going to be as easy as they thought. “We both knew we wanted our own family so great but didn’t know what God had planned for us,” Mandi later revealed. Since Mandi had quite a few health issues, her trying to get pregnant was something that would end in frustration and disappointment.
No Giving Up

The couple was not having any luck in their endeavors and the future was not looking so bright too. “We tried for years to get pregnant but soon came to realize that it wasn’t going to happen, nor would it be safe for my body to sustain the miracle of pregnancy due to my illness,” Mandi explained, talking about her personal obstacles. This left them both distraught but they did not want to fall hopelessly.
Opting For Adoption
The couple did not get any positive news even after trying again and again. They decided to look for other options that they had and so eventually, they started checking adoption agencies. Now all they had to do was to prove that they were capable of taking care of a child and that they were worthy of being parents. Since the two both had medical issues of their own, it was going to be quite the challenge.
Foster Parents

So after looking everywhere, trying their luck, Mandi and Tyler noticed that the local authority from where they resided was actually looking for foster parents. They were constantly seeing commercial after commercial that was asking for people to take the training and become licensed foster parents. They were looking for qualified families that could foster kids in need.
To Be Suitable Parents
The two of them looked at all these signs coming there was as God’s plan. Since they were looking for kids to take care of, they found that this would actually be a very fitting challenge to take up themselves. The two soon signed up for the program and did not know what a tedious job this was going to be. They did not realize that being dubbed suitable parents was going to be this tough.