Yet To Identify

Christopher explained, “We still don’t know who else is down there.” They are yet to identify all of those 30 coffins. Perhaps the history of the church could help historians to identify the coffins. A detailed study of all the earlier archbishops and their personal life can help.    

Two Lives

“This church had two lives,” Christopher described. “It was the parish church of Lambeth … but it was also a kind of annex to Lambeth Palace itself … Over the centuries a significant number of … archbishops … chose to worship [and be buried].”

Totally Unexpected

The discovery was an unexpected one. Many archeologists had visited the premises and none of them ever could find anything.  “Every archeologist in London has looked in this building,” Christopher explained excitedly, “but nobody told us to expect us to find anything.”

Rest In Peace

Christopher as of now has not thought about removing the coffins. He and the Garden Museum decided to let the coffins rest where they were resting all these years. But that does not mean that they are inaccessible by the public. The public can take a look at them.    


After the £7.5 million redevelopment project that took 18 months got completed in 2017, the Garden Museum built a single pane of glass covering the entrance of the tomb.