Identify The Person

It was important to identify the person who actually made those carvings in order to figure out why were they made. A Ph.D. in Archeology at the University of Leicester, Allison Fearne is positive that these apotropaic signs were made on places of worship or on the door frames of one’s house.   

There Must Be Something

One point to note here is that no one would have spent days carvings mark on the stone in that time when it would have been a gradual and meticulous task. It was obvious that the task was triggered by fear. The other apotropaic markings such as witch marks were clearly there.    

Creswell Heritage

The historians from Creswell Heritage came along with Historic England and together concluded that the signs were carved sometime between the 14th and 18th centuries. They believed that the carvings were etched by people residing in Creswell.


The number of markings is clearly demonstrating that something really scary was going on the lives of residents of this city. There has always been a connection between humans and supernaturals. We all have heard stories about supernatural beings.     


It could be that a life taking plague had broke in the village or perhaps they were facing poverty leading to death. Perhaps they imputed blame of all this on a witch. And that is why they took to this cave to perform a ritual that they believed would save them from dark forces responsible for their despair. 

The Shining

The markings were unique and scary to some extent. The tour group felt a chill down their spine when they learned about the possibilities. Paul Baker, director of Creswell Crags Museum and Heritage Center, “It was like something from The Shining.” This is what he felt when he stepped into the cave.