One thing leads to another. Explorers made a significant discovery in 1932. They stumbled upon a unique trapezoidal cave. The rumor has it that the cave is the very place where a renowned sorceress made future predictions.
One Of A Kind
The name of the prophetess was Cumaean Sibyl. She was not like any other fortune teller. The woman was widely known for her clairvoyance. Michelangelo has included her among the four prophetesses that he painted at the Sistine Chapel. He showed her the largest among them.
Excavation Begun
Jean Pierre Brun and Priscilla Muzi, College de France’s of French National Centre for Scientific Research started the task of digging necropolis inside the very city. Shortly after, the crew discovered what they had been looking for from the day research begun.
Well Chiseled
They had excavated very little when about hundreds of tombs begun to surface. All of them were well chiseled into the stony earth. There was no clue about the owner of the crypts. The thieves had destroyed all the clues while plundering the place. However, the team managed to discover remnants of human and funerary evidence.
From 2nd Century
They examined the tombs and learned that it was built back in 2nd century B.C. It was after the Romans won over the Greeks’ colony. The wall of tombs was painted with red and white. They all were painted with the same color at least this is what they thought until they saw one more chamber.
Ornate Painting
This particular chamber was embellished with ornate painting. The painting was mural in nature. It was difficult to believe that the painting was made many centuries ago as they still contained their charm, even after deteriorating so badly. The researchers could not help but admire it.