Christophe Delaere
Christophe Delaere, an archeologist from the Free University of Belgium on knowing about this discovery wanted to conduct an expedition to find out what lies in the depths of that shimmering lake but due to lack of resources could not start an expedition to find out the secrets that were to be uncovered yet.
Kept On Trying
But Delaere was not ready to give up that easily. Although the only thing that mattered was that he did not have enough resources to carry out his research but he really wanted to get to the bottom of the mystery he believed that was related to those artifacts, and he wasn’t wrong even a bit.
The Last Effort
At last, after a lot of effort that ended up to nothing but a waste of time, Christophe Delaere was almost ready to give up on his research, but even he did not even expect what was gonna happen next. Delaere thought of giving it one last chance as he really believed that something was to be found related to those artifacts.
Gathering The Team
He gathered a team of divers and he restarted the expedition but the team of divers was not enough as they had no experience in the area of diving at such a high altitude, therefore, he had to take help of the locals in his search operation.
Helping Locals
As soon as Delaere reeled in the locals for his help he started to know things that he did not know before, the myths, the legends, and the myths that were related to the lake. According to the local tales and myths the Lake was touted to have mystical powers and the native Aymara people of the Andes had a belief that the lake had a spirit and it was to receive offerings from time to time.
Mystical Powers
Due to the belief that the lake needed offerings, the Aymara people were known for filling the lake with different sorts of things. At this point, Delaere realized that this job would not be as easy as he had expected it to be. Finding out what lay at the bottom of the sea was an even greater concern than before now.