The Theories
The various theories include one which suggests that the Moai were crafted by the professionals of the ancient Polynesians’ craft guilds. Another theory says that the member of different clans came together to construct the Moai.
More Than Just A Pretty Face
What the Moai mean and what they represent is another topic of debate. Are they a symbol of authority and power as one group of archeologists believe or are they more than symbols?
Manifestation Of Spirits?
By some, the Moai are considered to be the physical forms of manifested spirits. Yet another theory believes that the Moai are the representation of ancestors who as mentioned before, face the island instead of the ocean to protect the residents.
More Than 500!
Easter Island does not just have 10 or 20 Moai structures. There are a total of 887 Moai on this island! And these are not just heads but entire bodies!!
World Heritage Site
UNESCO added Rapa Nui National Park in the list of World Heritage Sites about 20 years ago. The status of the place is secured due to its exclusivity and the presence of the Moai.
Wholesome Status
Most of the Easter Island has been proclaimed as a part of the Rapa Nui National Park. It was March 22, 1996, that UNESCO gave the park World Heritage status.