Interesting Myth
All the Moai on the Easter Island face inwards, towards the island and not the ocean. Why is that? The myth goes that the people of the Easter island believed that they were the only people in the entire world. So if there were going to be any bad people they would be coming FROM the island and not the sea. Hence the Moai face inwards, in order to protect the community.
The Superstition
One of the superstitions that the Islanders believe in is that there is a reason why Moai have fallen and they should not be put back up. But the other side of the island seemed to speak another story. It is said that the Japanese donated a lot of money to rebuild a platform so that the Moai could be upright, so stories vary.
Torn Apart
Many statues on the Eastern island are damaged or torn down. One of the most accepted reasons for this is that, sometime in the 18th century, a riot broke out where the residents rebelled against their leaders. The tensions between the community led to battles and the Moai were the unintended casualties. Most of these statues lay partially destructed on the ground but since then have been erected again.
One theory which might sound unbelievable is that the Moai were created and placed on the Easter island by aliens. This insane sounding idea was put forth in the book- Chariots of the Gods?: Unsolved Mysteries of the Past by Erich von Daniken. Not only the Moai, von Daniken thinks that even the Pyramids in Egypt are works by the extraterrestrial.
The argument to this is- the stone used to build the Moai were from the island itself.
The Moai Roads
Thor Heyerdahl claims that there were roads in Rapa Nui which were used for transport. These roads were discovered after the Moai toppled over them were removed. Katherine Routledge, a British archeologist, on the other hand, believes that the purpose of these roads was ritualistic. It is not a completely invalid theory as the roads lead to the now extinct Rano Rarulp volcano which in all probability was the center of worship of the community.
Mysterious Connections
The Island is full of mysteries. There is confusion surrounding the writing system used on the Island too. One archeologist believes that the calligraphy on the structures and other places could be about 10, 000 years older than previously ventured. That would mean that even the Island is also older than dated.