Non-searchable Job
This underground job where several workers were working was basically a non-searchable job. There was a very minimum chance of hearing about the job on the streets. For most people, it was a ghost job or you can say it didn’t exist at all. But still, there were people working. They were leaving their house in the early morning and coming late at night, tired and with money in hand that was supporting the poor worker’s family. There were some rumors about it which were spread in the streets.
The Rumors
On the streets of London, rumors were spreading about the possibility of jobs of which only a few knew about. These few people who were assigned to recruit the workers for the job knew the exact location of the working place. The underground working space stayed hidden for many years. Soon, words spread like fire about an unknown workplace that provided the workers one thing they desired the most, work!
Never Speak Of It
We don’t know who and why the workers who worked in the unknown place were asked to keep the place hidden. They were asked to do their respective job and never speak of it. But secret like this doesn’t stay a secret for a very long. Somehow workers were getting the job and non-skilled workers were able to fulfill their basic needs. They say there used to be a big queue for the job. But who hired these workers?
Never Ending Queue
With each passing day, the queue was longer than yesterday. Everybody wanted a job even if it was a small work, they wanted to do it. Nobody wanted to sleep empty stomach when there seemed to be work for everybody, obviously on papers. The reality was something else. Standing at the top of the tallest building you could see smoke coming out from factories that made the sky dark. The smoke also blurred the dreams of many workers who were waiting for their time to change. Time was changing, but it didn’t change the workers’ life even a bit. So what was changing?
The Change

The change could be seen on the street of London. Somewhere down the streets, there was a place where people worked daily and nobody had any idea where the place was. But it was there somewhere because today, we have proof to prove its existence. The day this story was out, nobody believed it at first, it was shocking. There was no way something like this was hidden below the streets of London where people walked daily.
The Investigation
As the news about a secret working space spread, there were few who wanted to investigate it. They wanted to see for themselves if rumors were even true. Nobody talked about the place in person to anybody but as they say, walls have ears, the secret was coming out through the walls on which whole of London was surrounded with.