More And More Instruments
When they started the digging they weren’t aware of the fact that deep inside there was something else. The archeologists who came to the site weren’t expecting anything in the first place as it was some amateur who called them up about the discovery he has made. Obviously, they get calls like this every day where people tell them about finding this or that. There have been times where it was nothing but some people joking around. This time it was different. They came unprepared.
We Need Everything
Because the team came unprepared they didn’t have the instruments that could tell them the depth of the treasure which was hidden deep inside the earth. So, they made some calls and an hour later they got that particular instruments that could tell them the exact location of the treasure. But why do they need that instrument? They had a very good reason for that.
The Reason They Brought It In
The team wanted to know the exact location of the treasure as they didn’t want to destroy it. There have been times when the archeologists have spoiled the discovery because they weren’t aware of the location. The police surrounded the place and made it impossible for the public to enter the site. The team of experts was investigating the whole field to search for the location of the treasure. And there it was. Eric didn’t move an inch and kept his eyes on the field as if he knew where the treasure was.
Did He Know All Along?
Eric who was standing in silence didn’t speak a word since the team arrived. The team who was busy in their work didn’t notice that fact that it was Eric who made the discovery. They should have asked him about that one location in which his metal detector made the loudest beep. Though the team was finding the items from the treasure which were everywhere on the field. It was getting very difficult for the team to search the box which actually held the artifacts when it was buried in the past. You would be surprised to know who hid the treasure?
At Last, He Speaks
Eric who was watching everything, couldn’t take it any longer as the team was searching everywhere except that one spot on which he was standing. Eric didn’t want to lose the spot so he kept standing there and waited for the team. But the team who thought knew everything didn’t care to ask for the spot. Eric called one of the members of the team and told him, “you are looking in the wrong spot.” Eric stepped aside and told him, “this is the spot you should be looking.” And he was right!
A Chunk Of Earth
The team who now had the spot started the excavation carefully, and took out a chunk of earth and sent it to the lab for the examination. They wanted to examine the objects so that they could know about its age and to which period it belonged to once. This way they would be able to learn about the treasure and who it was that hid it in the first place. Can you guess how huge the treasure was?