The world looks a better place if we are surrounded by our loved ones. It’s hard to find people who love us whole-heartedly with no terms and conditions applied. Not everyone is lucky enough to have a family and friends. The little guy whose story we are about to tell struggled to have an ordinary childhood that’s every kid’s right. A good home, loving parents, quality education, and lots of fun is what every child deserves but Carter never got any of these.
And when he was getting used to the messed up life, someone started to keep an eye on the 11-year-old boy.
Carter Wyles
All the kids are cute and Carter was one chubby little boy. One of the natures that made him stand out of the crowd was his empathy. Even at the tender age of 11, when he himself struggled in the confused emotionless life of foster center, he always tried to cheer up people around him.
Foster Life
Carter Wyles never had a common life. During the past 11 years, he was moved to different foster centers from time to time. At first, it was hard for him to get used to the new environment but now, he kind of started getting used to it. When a kid grows in the foster center, he/she understands the fact that with passing birthday, the probability of getting a forever home decreases. Wondering why?
Babies Are Preferred
Couples who enroll in the adoption process always look for young babies because they’ll easily get along with the family. Hardly ever a family will prefer to adopt an 11-year-old boy. And Carter Wyles was somehow now aware of this fact. With no hopes for any bright future, Carter knew there was nothing much to expect from life.
Aren’t these too heavy a thought to cross an 11-year old’s mind? Yes, they are. However, as they say, that humans are born weak but they get stronger when they have no other choice left to make. Likewise, Carter had no other options left.
Carter was soon going to enter the teen phase of his life and not to mention that this is one of the most confusing time for everyone. Even the cute little-outspoken ones can turn out to be the shy irritated introverts. And Carter was right at this turning point of life. It is easiest to distract kids at this stage and even more easy to get them off the right track.
No Christmas-y Vibes
Christmas was around the corner but there were no signs of happiness on Carter’s face. Isn’t Christmas supposed to be the best time of the year? Many names are never placed under the Christmas trees and Carter knew his name was one of those. Yet, this little kid’s belief in the Almighty was strong enough to make him wish for a forever home. He didn’t ask for a play station or a skateboard but a home to call his own and a family to love him as he has always been a part of it.
This time Carter was in a foster care of Lancaster, Ohio when he was called in the head caretaker’s room. He thought it will another moving notice for him because that’s why he was called by the head caretaker before. So, was that all? Well, that’s how it seemed at the first place but in reality, the head of the organization really didn’t want to inform him about anything.