Carter was upset even with the thought of moving to another foster care. The moving process takes a lot of struggle that includes the adjustment process in the new environment and trying to get along with the new kids for whom Carter will be a stranger. As he didn’t have anything in his control, he followed the orders and walked towards the headroom.
Long Wait
The head of the organization just asked Carter to wait outside his office. Carter waited there wondering what it could possibly be. There was a pin drop silence in the corridor. Carter could only hear him talking to someone over the phone; unable to understand what it was actually about. And soon he called for the little boy.
A Final Call
He called Carter in. Carter still confused looked at the phone that he was handing over to him. This meant that somebody wanted to talk to him but who could it be? Carter immediately took the cell phone to know who it was…
The Kipharts
It was Carter’s aunt, Leah Kiphart who lived in a nearby town with her family. But what was she calling him for? Carter usually stayed angry with all of his family members as none of them really cared enough about him according to him. The fact that they pretended as they cared irritated him even more. If they would have cared, then he should not be living a life that he was.
What Is It?
When his aunt asked him if he was doing well or not Carter was uninterested yet he answered and asked her for the reason behind calling him. His aunt understood his mood and tried to calm him before she told him what she was the actual reason.
An Invitation
Leah had called to invite Carter to spend the holidays with the Kiphart family. Carter didn’t want to go and he said no. But his aunt insisted on him being a part of the celebration and that his cousins want him to be there to have fun and spend some quality time. Carter hung up the call after saying that he’ll think about it.