The Sad Truth
The sad truth is that many times the government rules and regulations destroy several lives and poor Benji was going to be one of those unfortunate souls soon. The years he spent with his adoptive family was memorable and not only did he win the hearts of his family members, and neighborhoods but also thousands of people who watched his funny as well as informative videos made by his hooman, George Krause.
A Playful Soul

In a house full of animals and people, Benji was certainly the reason behind all the fun and activeness around the house. Be it George or be it, Athena, everyone can get tired but Benji seemed to be one hyperactive cat who would not sleep until he was completely exhausted. It’s saddening, the type of end he received…
Despite being a wild cat, Benji always remained well mannered. Especially after George got the crib constructed for him, Benji became the best boy in the house. After all, he was never willing to go to the crib. Although the crib was never used to cage him, he preferred to stay out with his other mates.
Crib Is Just A Formality

Honestly, the crib was just a formality and Benji made it very clear to all. He was a lover of the couch and a dedicated cuddler. Many people commented on George Krause’s youtube page that he was the only exotic animal owner who didn’t use the cat as a source of publicity.
Happiness Not Lasting
Bobcat seemed to be a popular animal around the neighborhood. After all, domesticating such a big cat is no easy task and the Krause family always have to make sure that the neighborhood kids do not get too close to Benji.
Good Days Were Over
Benji, the bobcat, and Athena, the deer lived for several years together under the same roof after which one action of the authorities changed everything for these best buddies. People felt for the two of them and especially for Benji, the poor bobcat who never got the chance to make a comeback to the happy days of his life.