Similar Symptoms
The repairman further told Kathi that as they have been inhaling this gas for this long, symptoms like that of nausea, painful headaches, suffocation, fatigue, and chest pain were likely for them to experience. Moreover, in major cases, it can even cause vomiting, unconsciousness, and confusion. Certain studies even show that this gas is so dangerous that many people have ended in death due to its exposure. Kathi could somehow now connect her illness with all this.
Makes Sense
Kathi could connect all these dots. She realized that since the day this water heater was installed, her health began facing issues. Before that, she was perfectly fine and led her normal life. Moreover, all the symptoms which the contractor was telling were similar to all the mysterious symptoms she was facing in all these years.
Knight In A Shining Armor
The repairman came as a ray of sunshine in Kathi’s life. The illness which she was absolutely tired off was finally, at last, diagnosed. The case of her mysterious disease came to a closure that too by an unexpected man. After spending a good fortune on hospital and medical bills and returning home absolutely hopeless, this visitor could provide her with the much-needed answers.
Smiling Faces
Kathi hugged her husband the very moment. She could not believe that after struggling with her deteriorating health for nearly a decade, she found what she was exactly suffering from. Probably now she will be able to get the appropriate medical help and continue as a healthy being in life. This repairman did the unbelievable for this woman.
Getting Normal
The repairman right then fixed the issue. He connected the entire apparatus in the right manner. And as time passed by Kathi could feel a change in her condition. Her fatigue evaded slowly. However, as she was facing this issue since quite really long, all her symptoms did not fade away in a second. She was recovering but at a slow pace.
Excited Daughter
Ashley was over the moon when she came to know about this incident. Even she couldn’t absorb that her mother’s illness was coming from a piece of electric equipment that was installed when she was just a kid. She recalls how her mother’s condition just worsened. And now that she would be eventually recovering, the duo could hang out and shop together.