Let It Begin
Jo and Kevin were asked to look at each other for the one last time before their makeovers. As they both were being taken to different rooms for their makeover. The hosts even said that this was the one last time they look like this because the makeover will bring about a drastic change in their appearances. With a lot of excitement, nervousness, and anxiousness the couple hits the much-awaited change.
Love Affair
As the couple went in for their transformation session, the emcee of the show engaged their audience by telling them about the couple’s love story. Even Louis showed his interest by stating, ” I have never seen a couple of 49 years so in love”. As their story unfolded, everyone got excited to see the final results of their transformation.
Locks Of Love
While the audience was having fun on the sets, the behind the scenes saw an entirely different story. Louis began his work by giving Jo a haircut followed by some coloring treatment. He further brings in some other hair equipment to work. The excitement was building up at Jo’s end as well. He even did something amazing with Kevin’s beard.
Shopping Tips
While Louis did his magic with the couple’s hair, Jill, on the other hand, shopped some different silhouettes for them. She made sure that the clothes she picked for the couple suit their body shapes and further enhances their personality. Not only this, she even shared with them some simple and easy shopping tips which they should keep in mind while buying clothes.
The Revelation
And it was time for the big revelation. Both the organizers of the show as well as the audience was curious to see how do the couple look now. With every second enthusiasm and eagerness was building up. The couple was left jaw-dropped on seeing their partner as well as their own selves.
And Voila
There comes the Miss Peppy. The final look of Jo was revealed. And she looked completely opposite. The baggy clothes were gone and she wore a trimmed classy jacket. She nailed the look and looked sassy. The studio’s staff and the audience could not believe that it was the same Jo they met a few hours back. She was totally unrecognizable.