Emma brought that dog to her sanctuary where there were many other dogs. The dog initially felt a little scared due to a sudden change in his environment, but soon only mixed well with the other dogs there. And with this, Emma even gives him a name.
Hey Possum
Emma was happy to see the dog playing around in her sanctuary. It was not the first time she had rescued a dog, but it was for the very first time that she had adopted a dog from his, not so right owner. Emma calls the new member in her sanctuary as “Possum”. Things did not end here. There was a lot more for this dog.
Possum loved staying here in Emma’s sanctuary. She even recalls that the dog made many friends here as well. She was gladder to see that he was in safe hands. But there was still one problem?
Almost for all her life, Emma had stayed near these animals and she could understand their emotions well. Though Possum was happy, he missed a close family environment. As he had been brought up like that, the sanctuary was not the accurate place for him.
Offering For Adoption
The only choice that Emma had with her was now to offer this pup for adoption. Probably the new family environment might make him feel like home. But, this time she wanted to be sure that the dog lands in safe hands and not like the one he was bought from.
Search Begins
Emma got the dog vaccinated and started to post his pictures over various social media platforms in the hope that any family who feels like owning a dog would eventually come across Possum and would want to adopt him. Will he find a new home?