Learning Something New
Leonora had read somewhere that a dog has the same level of intelligence as human toddlers have. The fact motivated her to do some experiments and try something new. She thought of teaching shapes to Penny. Was that going to work or was she expecting too much? Even though Leonora herself was not totally positive about it, she thought of giving it a try.
Nothing Blocking Her Way
The very next day she bought a set of big block letters from a shop and scattered them in front of the dog. She started training Penny with them. However, she had little hopes but there was no harm in taking the risk. What do you think, will the pup learn the shapes?
A Dog That Can Spell?
The dog never ceased to surprise her owner. Penny learned the skill of recognizing shapes in no time. Moreover, the eight months old dog also learned to use block letters in order to spell her name. Not only that whenever Leonora asks her “what are you?” Penny replies by spelling “dog.” Leonora knew this dog was special and decided to showcase her talent to the world.
Going Viral
What could be the best medium to display talents other than social media! Leonora resorted to the same medium in order to showcase her pet’s intelligence. She made her youtube and Instagram accounts to put the startling videos of her genius pup. All this while pup continued conquering other levels.
Keeping Her Motivated
So, what Leonora do to keep her little pup motivated? She lures her smart pet by giving her rewards at the end of the completion of the task. The rewards mainly include her favorite food.
Conquering New Milestones
Leonora’s expectation from Penny increased manifold. She wanted her to learn more about shape recognition. So, in order to do that she got toy shapes that are taken in use to teach kids about shapes like stars and triangles. Soon after she began the training.