Inside Scoop
A man from Reddit went on the site and revealed “…I had a friend of a friend tell me that they knew them and that they’re just a hustling pair of Con Artists who’s families conned their way into the country.” This guy was an acquaintance of the lady and revealed that she had been involved with the crime ring against her own will. He then deleted his account out of fear of being identified.
The Bottom Rung
The woman was actually using a foam under her shirt to fake a pregnant belly. It was revealed that she could collect up to $500 per day. Women like her can be found all over the country. It appears that they are promised food and shelter in return for their services. There are many like her who fall in the traps of these rings. This was not all that the story entails.
Taking Advantage
“They’ll use the babies, children, anyway they can… the children will not go to school because their job and their future is the Family Business,” Albright explained to interviewers. The Reddit user explained, “People should know, there’s PLENTY of service and organizations that exist to help people and ESPECIALLY for women with children. They’re taking advantage of them all as well as scamming people at the parking lot entrances. Neither of them are reporting the money they’re making from her begging and both are claiming poverty to get state and federal assistance.” He was threatened and also received calls…
Giving Caution
“They might be up and trying this scam again or it might be another woman either way call the cops on them, making sure to tell the dispatch that they’re “the BMW scammers” so they’re identified and the state can start the proper deportation proceedings against them… don’t help any of them or give money to any of the panhandlers you might see.” — the unidentified Redditer also suggested. It made people living in California aware and cautious about the crime rings in the area after this news went viral.