Mrs. Hatcher
She wasn’t unconscious but losing control over herself. The woman groaning in pain was Mrs. Hatcher. Her mouth drooped downwards from the left side. She couldn’t speak but her eyes narrated the story of terror that she was facing.
Alexandra immediately calls 911. Maureen’s brain wasn’t getting enough oxygen and if the help gets delayed she might not survive. She knew her neighbor had less time but she cannot do anything about it. Did she receive help on time?
Help Arrives

St. Johns County Fire Rescue reached within 20 minutes and both Bella and Sadie watched their loving mom taken away in the van. “When the brain is deprived of blood, cells die and permanent brain injury can occur. Timing is everything,” told Nima Amim Aghaebrahim, an interventional neurologist.
Special Care

“One of the most important factors that can lead to a good outcome for patients in these situations is to get the blood vessel opened quickly and successfully,” explains Aghaebrahim. The staff was working as quickly as they could. Were they able to save her life?
Revolutionary Procedure

Surgeons at the Baptist Medical Center used a sophisticated dye to find the blood clot that had caused Maureen’s stroke and was then able to move a stent-retriever from the femoral artery in her leg to her neck. “It’s one of the highlights of our career that we’re able to help people such as Mrs. Hatcher,” Dr. Aghaebrahim explains.

Luckily, the surgeons of Baptist Medical Center Jacksonville were able to clear the blood clot that caused a life-threatening risk. The surgery ended successfully and Maureen was discharged after 3 days of hospitalization. And what about Sadie and Bella?