Kids are innocent and weakness of every parent. No parent ever wants anything bad to even come close to their kids but sometimes nobody can stop bad things from happening. This is the story of a little boy whose little adventure took him away from his family on the Halloween evening. This story is one example of the fact that how easily a little one can get distracted. Later, when everything started becoming clear, the parents didn’t know how to react.
Happy Halloween
It was last year’s Halloween and every other family was excited about the holiday that was right outside the door. This incident took place in Ontario, New York in the front yard of a house. Kids were home that morning and so far it was like every other day. Mother was working according to her strict routine and Father was going to leave for his office anytime. With this day, a chain of strange events was going to start.
Partying Day
Yes, Halloween is all about candies and parties and so this Ontario family too had their plans for the day. Why wouldn’t there be plans anyway? After all, with Halloween, the holiday season starts feeling close. It’s like a beginning of the good relaxing days with the one we love. Be it trick or treat or be it costume parties, everything about this day is joyful. Well, there’s one more aspect related to this day; the actual cause of all this excitement.
Scary Side
People dressed up in costumes of their favorite scary character is one fantastic idea for those who love to mess around a little. Kids get real excited or afraid of this day and they have their valid reasons. As American Literature always had a part in using this day for various fictional horror dramas, no wonder people can be scared of this day too. But the little boy we are going to tell you about was curious enough to keep his teeny-tiny fears aside.
Let’s Play!
Not scared of anything at all, this boy was up to play with his sister and other society friends outside. The boy was excited to show off his new present to them; a mini iPod. An adult can never have an idea about how big a deal it can be for a 5 or 6 years old until the smile on his face and his friends are seen. Well, that was a holiday and that was enough to make it a wonderful day for that group of friends. And their new presents were like a cherry on the cake. However, neither the day nor the adventure was over yet…
Heading Home
After playing for hours with their brand new presents, it was time to go back home and get ready for the trick or treat part. The boy and his sister were discussing their costumes all along the way. They were planning a funny prank to scare their mother and came up with an idea which was soon to twist their plans for that evening.
Prank In Action
This brother and sister duo decided that only one of them will show up on the door, worried and tell their mother that the other one is badly hurt. Well, pranks like these can scare any parent, right? But these kids were too small to understand this, plus they were only looking at the fun part behind it. They were not going to stretch it for too long and the truth will be right there outside the main door hiding behind the front yard’s wall.