White Gentlemen’s Club
As the name suggests, only men are allowed in the White Gentlemen’s club which is located in the St James’s Street’s building in London. The only woman that can be allowed in the club is Queen Elizabeth and that too on special occasions. The club adds a new member only on the condition that a current member invites the new one. Found in 1893, the annual fee is just £850 per year.
Mt. Weather Emergency Operations Center
Mount Weather Emergency Operations Center is situated in the Blue Ridge Mountains, Virginia. In case of national disaster, this place is to keep the highest level of the U.S. officials. This place is said to be fully secured but we hope there should never come a chance for anyone to commute here.
Svalbard Seed Vault
Svalbard Global Seed Vault is located in Norway. Started in 2008, this vault works as a backup and is filled with 5000 plant species. The purpose is to save humanity in case of global disaster. The seeds are kept in 3-ply foil packages and the building is covered with permafrost which will keep the seeds safe even when electricity fails. No one is allowed in other than the people who store and maintain the seeds.
Admax Prison is located in Florence County, Colorado is known as the Alcatraz of the Rockies, is a prison that has world’s most known and troublesome in the United States. Here inmates are kept 23-hour lockdown in single-person cells.
White House Situation Room
The White House Situation Room in the basement of the White House’s West Wing is different from the emergency bunker. This conference room is where the NSA, HSA, and the president make important decisions about national security. The world got to see the White House Situation Room when Operation Neptune Spear, to take out Osama Bin Laden was completed.
Raven Rock Mountain Complex
The Raven Rock Mountain Complex, situated in Blue Ridge Summit, Pennsylvania, works as the underground Pentagon in case of a nuclear disaster. This location serves as a communications and command center, also for essential government personnel to endeavor shelter in an emergency.