Third Fact!

The smallest known seal species is the Galapagos Fur Seal. This seal species is 1 meter in length and weighs some 45kg. The largest known species is the Southern Elephant Seal which can grow up to 5m in length and weighs 3,850kgs. Beat that! According to marine biologists, seals have maximum 30 years old of life expectancy with females living more than the males.

Fourth Fact!

According to marine biologists, the Crabeater Seal, which is mostly found on an Antarctic Cruise, which also homes the maximum population of all the seal species. The experts put the population in between 2 and 75 million. There is no doubt that they are cute but they can be aggressive too. Seals have the ability to sleep underwater and if they experience any danger they come to the land for protection from the sharks and whales.

Fifth Fact!

Seals have suffered a grave fate by the hands of a human in the past because of their fur and fat. Though not all seal species are endangered, but the Galapagos Fur Seal is declared as the highly protected mammal in several parts of the world. The Caribbean Monk Seal and Japanese Sea Lion no longer exist on this planet.

Sixth Fact

A female seal’s milk contains over 50% fat, and pups can put up to 2 kgs a day. Now that’s an issue one should be concerned off, not some weight you put on during Christmas and New Year’s holiday week. The fat was the reason they were targeted in past for the milk.

And The Seventh Fact

There is this seal called Elephant seals who are also called “smoker’s blood” because the amount of carbon monoxide a smoker who smokes 40 or more cigarettes daily is the same amount this species has in its blood. Scientists believe that such a huge amount of carbon monoxide in the blood might help the seal to dive in the deepest point of the ocean.