An Adventurer

“I was into sky-diving, I had done aerobatics. I tend to live life on the edge,” expressed Gary. But nothing could pump up his adrenaline like this encounter. The moment was just amazing and we can see that in the video. It was something extraordinary which a person doesn’t experience every day. Gary was lucky that he was chosen.

An Unforgettable Moment

After coming back to land, Gary shared his experience with every one of his friends and colleagues. They couldn’t believe that an untrained seal did something unexpected. When he was done with words it was the video and he made sure that everyone watches it. “I’ve probably bored all my friends going on about it,” said Gary.

Revisiting Past Memories

Gary said that he keeps the recording on his phone and watched it all the time. Only Gary could tell how it really felt when he saw two seals coming towards him and then one of them demanded a belly massage. We wish we could also experience something like this in our lives in the future. The video is in the next slide and we bet it will melt your heart.

The Video

This is the video we have been talking about in the article. the video has crossed over 15 million plus views on YouTube and has been loved by everyone. Gary’s life was changed and all he could talk about was this episode.
We have some seven(7) interesting facts about the seal that we are sure you might not know.

First Fact!

Did you know? Many species of seals have been listed as endangered. These cute loving animals who haven’t hurt a human in their lives have suffered a lot by our hands. It is our doings that they are living such a fate. We hope that one-day thing improves and these amazing creature could also live a life they were born to have in the first place.

Second Fact!

Seal falls under the category of pinniped of marine mammals. Under this category, we also have sea lions, walruses and fur seals. In total there are 33 species of pinnipeds spread all over the world. It is believed that they are evolved from land-based otter-like creatures. Seals are most comfortable in cold sea waters and are mainly found in the Arctic and Antarctic areas.