Graceful Creatures
You might have seen these animals on land, looking little clumsy and lazy. But that’s not their home ground, it is the waters where they shine like anything. In the waters, they are quick in movements and it’s a delight to watch them move which they do it very gracefully. Did you know? The baby seals are only fed for the first four months by their mother and after that, they are left alone to survive on their own. So what’s the story of these two seal puppies?
Looking For Company
It could have been a possibility that these two cute little things would have been looking for some company. Just by looking at them you could tell that they must be some months old but how much we can’t say. These two seals might have been siblings and might have stuck together after their mother left them on their own. And when they saw Gary and his friend they might want to have some fun with the guests. But one of the seals became VERY inquiring!
Curiosity Beats Caution
This is a story how two curious little seal puppies made a decision to surprise the human guests. But it was the other one who stole the show. He demanded something from Gary which surprised him because that was very unexpected from a wild seal. Both the seals were circling around Gary seemed like they were inspecting Gary before taking their next steps. One of the seals went straight up to Gary and peered him through the visor. Then he does the most cutest thing a seal could do. We are just laughing out loud!
Circling around the divers, the curious one tried to stay adjacent to Gary where this seal rubbed its nose on Gary’s dive suit mask. It was very sudden of the seal when it did it which made Gary stunned for a moment. But when that seal rubbed its nose all could do was just smile looking at the seal who was just enjoying the moment as it can. But the demand was the most amazing part according to Gary. The fun has just started.
Give Me Your… Flipper?!
That’s them shaking hand with each other. Isn’t that the most cutest handshake ever? After this seal was done rubbing its nose, Gary approached it with a handshake and to his surprise, the seal didn’t get scared and gave his hand to Gary to complete the process of a handshake. This was just a start of the act. This seal then demanded something from Gary which left him speechless.
The Second Seal Waits Its Turn
In the video, you can see that there are two seals. But the second seal who was behind Gary was more interested in Gary’s legs. Even the second seal wanted to shake hands with Gary but the first one was taking all the attention from Gary. You can see the second seal waiting for its turn. You could also hear Gary saying, “had seen other seals in the water but they just buzzed past us.” But then something unexpected happened…