Should We Record?
Gary thought of recording this sudden entrance of these two creatures but then he stopped his friend. Animals don’t understand most of our actions and filming them might have scared them. Gary was aware that this place wasn’t their home and doing anything stupid would turn the tides against them. They waited patiently when two seals arrived in the frame. What a beautiful view that might have been? Luckily, they recorded everything afterward. The video is at the end of the article which would bring a smile on your face.
They are Coming!
As the duo of the seals came closer, Gary stood still because both the seals didn’t go near Gary’s friend. The friend started filming it when he realized they mean no harm to them. Gary and his friend realized that the seals that surrounded him were only two cute little puppies. Still, he didn’t want to scare them away and he stood in his place for a few minutes to better weigh the situation. The seals started checking him out by circling around him. Must have been fun!
A Curious Creature
We all are aware that seals are known as the underwater puppies. Have you seen a puppy with small black eyes looking directly at you? That cute look melts the heart. Even this duo of seals had these huge round eyes with those funny whiskers on their face. They looked similar to your wet pup who has just come out after taking a bath. Of course, they don’t have ears, paws, and tail, still, they are cute as hell. One amazing fact about seals is that they are very curious in nature. You’ll be surprised what they wanted from the divers.
A Lucky Man
Gary could not believe his luck that he was surrounded with these two cute little seal puppies. Though it wasn’t his first dive, he has never been welcomed like this, it was a special moment for him. But you know what was the most surprising part? Gary knew that seals are not that easy to get friends with but still this time they came up to him with open arms. One of the seals became real close and personal with Gary. It was hilarious. Thank god they recorded everything. The video is amazing which you can find at the end of the article.
These Are Just Sea Puppies
Nothing is cuter than a seal looking at you with huge black eyes flickering under water. In this picture, you could see this seal wanted to nibble at Gary’s gloves. But then she asked for something else that surprised both divers. You would be amazed to see what this seal really wanted from Gary.
One Of A Kind Experience
According to ecologists, Seals are very reserved by nature. They don’t easily get attached to humans, but this duo of seals proved the theory wrong in every way. As we said, they are very reserved by nature, if you want to gain their trust you would have to dive for days and then wait for them to come near to you. But Gary was lucky because he hadn’t had to anything the two seals came to him on their own. Lucky guy Gary! Even luckier when he experienced the demand one of the seals made to him