Just A Call Away

Renee explained that even though they stay in different states, they always keep each other up-to-date about other’s life, she said: “Knowing that Justin is just a phone call, text or email away, or a short flight away, it has really changed the way that I see myself in the world.” Justin mentioned: “The first time that I saw my sister, my heart absolutely melted.”

Their Lives Today

They meet each other every now and then. They’ve found their peace knowing there is someone who’ll be by their side despite the distance. Recently, Justin visited to congratulate his sister when she had a baby girl. Hence, Justin was reunited with his sister and became an uncle a few months later.

Change For Better

At last, Justin said: “But it’s changing my life for the better and I’m very, very much overjoyed with her presence and the relationship we’re going to continue to build”. He says if his sister and he can get reunited even when they forgot each others name and existence, then anything can happen.