
Before handing over her beloved pet to the zoo, Miss Wang needed to make sure that the fox cub is not diseased. And after a check-up, she got the good news that the baby fox is absolutely healthy and fit to be adopted by the zoo.

Not Safe

Even though the fox looks as cute and fluffy as a Japanese Spitz, they are wild beings. Even being badly in love with her pet, Ms. Wang had to give him away because she knew that her house is not the right place for this animal to reside in. The animal needed more space to move about freely and feel at home.

Visiting Him

Wang had no other choice than to give away her pet. She with a heavy heart handed over the fox to the zoo authorities. However, one thing that Wang felt good about was she had the visitation rights to meet her pet whenever she wants.

Happy For Him

Wang was very happy for the fox as she got a new and bigger natural habitat for him, the place where he could move about freely and could mix up with other foxes like him. Wang took a sigh of relief and had all her memories stored with him in her heart.


Miss Wang from her experience has a piece of advice for all. She says that whenever one goes to buy a dog next, especially a Japanese Spitz, the person must go along with a dog breed specialist so that he or she doesn’t end up being fooled. Well, that’s cool advice.