
Wang was glad and astonished at the same time that when the animal was actually a fox-a wild one then why didn’t it ever attempt to attack or escape from her space? She looked at her “pooch” with gloomy eyes and started to cry.

My Companion

Wang had tears in her eyes. The animal she had loved with all her heart wasn’t a pooch. They both had spent some of the most amazing times together, cuddling, talking and sharing their emotions. It was probably Wang’s affection that the wild animal lost its basic instinct and never attacked or harmed her.

Love Wins Over

No matter what one’s true identity is, an animal always falls prey to human love. The love and care, the attention of a devoted owner are all that is needed to tame them off their wilderness. But, now Wang has to take a decision.

Give Away Or Keep

Wang now had to take a call. Whether she would be keeping this fox as she had been doing that thinking of it like a dog or would she be giving over him? There was no doubt that this was a loyal, intelligent animal but was Wang’s place the apt place for him?

Better Life

Wang soon only realized that even if she provides the fox with the food she liked, her house was a space too small for him as he was a creature of the woods. Not only this, the animal needs to live in its habitat and stay with others like him for a better life. And Wang took a heart-breaking step.

A Zoo

The best possible place for Wang’s fox to live in was a zoo. Wang visited the local zoo and contacted the authorities. She asked them if they would give space to her fox. And the zoo authorities had no reason to deny a home to an animal that belonged to the woods itself.