However, he did not lose hope. The documentarian searched on the internet for any mention of Michigan based American family who had gone to Suzhou to adopt a Young Chinese girl. As they say, work hard always pay. The man finally got a clue about the Pohlers that led him to them.
It Took Some Convincing
Chang asked Pohlers to partake in the documentary but the family turned down the offer. They did not want Kati’s childhood spoiled by her past. However, they did reveal the secret to her when she turned 21. By that time, the girl herself had started feeling a difference between her and her parents. She herself had started asking her adoptive parents. She says, “I thought people there would have questions about me being Chinese and American. So I asked my mother to tell me about my past again.”
She Knew It Right Away
Kati had her world turned upside down when she learned that she was adopted. Her adoptive parents told her everything from the letter to the documentary. The girl was heartbroken but at the same time, she wanted to meet her birth parents. Kati expressed her wish to meet them.
Filming It
Kati met Chang and expressed her desire to participate in the film. Little did she know this journey was going to emotion filled. Chang started off with taking her to the same vegetable garden of Suzhou where his birth father had left her to uncertainty with a note tucked in her clothes. The information caused a ripple in her heart. She had never felt so emotional in her entire life. However, it was just the beginning, the real twist came when she met her birth parents.
On The Bridge At Last
Chang had everything planned. The very first meeting of Kati and her birth parents were going to be recorded on the camera for the documentary. Chang planned on making them meet at the place where they were expected to meet. On the Broken Bridge! Finally arrived the time when Kati was standing face to face with her birth parents.
Right Before Eyes
After a long wait of 22 years, Qian and Xu were finally going to see their daughter. It was going to be a precious moment for them. And when they saw her, they had tears streaming down their eyes. Their daughter that they had been forced to give up was now standing right before them alive and kicking. They tried to talk to her but the girl did know nothing about Mandarin. On the other hand, the Chinese couple had not learned English.