Dog Exercises

There are several dog exercises that can make your frustrated dog a calm and disciplined one. you can even consult some professional dog trainer if you think your dog requires one. If your dog has considered you as his pack leader then calming him down won’t be much of an issue but still, there are certain precautions one should look after. Now coming back to the story of Benji. Did he choose Jess as his leader?

The Back Story

There is a cause for every reason. If a dog is reacting in some unusual way then there has to be some reason for that. In the case of Benji, it was his previous surroundings. As we told you he was stary and the shelter people rescued him from the streets so that he could be treated and could get proper attention and love. Jess found out that this poor little pooch had met some cruel humans back then when he used to live on the streets. He was beaten several times which made him aggressive towards the humans. 

Love Is All I Need

Benji has never felt love and all he saw in his life was the hate from the people around him. What do you expect from a dog who has always seen hate and has been beaten several times? In the end, a dog is an animal with limited mind power who only knows one thing survival at any cost. To keep themselves safe they have the habit of growling or biting the person in front of them even if they don’t want to hurt the dog. But their brain can’t process this and eventually end up hurting the humans which results in more hate towards the stray dogs.

Learning To Trust Again

Because of his past experiences with the humans, Benji kept his distance from the couple. Jess was more in love with this little pooch. They gave him all the love and space he wanted and waited patiently for the day when Benji would come to them evening waving his little tail and licking both of them. With each passing day, Benji realizes that these two beautiful humans are no danger. And then things started to change.

Opening Up

After three weeks their dog showed some great improvements in his behavior. “He loves to come up and lick our faces and play with his toys,” said Jess. “He is such a goofball now! He has crazy zoomies after he gets bathed. He will also start barking the second we get in the car as if to say, ‘We have to start moving! Let’s go!” she added further. This little pooch found the perfect family and was now living in a place filled with love and warmth.