Christmas All The Way
With Christmas approaching, everyone got busy in its preparation. It had been a long time since Norma had made any puddings so Tim and Ramie suggested her to try on some new recipes this Christmas. She too, without a delay thought of all the dessert recipes that she could try. They also shared the pictures on facebook and her comment section was flooded with admiration and praise.
New Year New Start
Time seemed to fly and soon a new year was at their doorstep with new adventures and opportunities. The trio along with Ringo was constantly traveling to different places without a halt. Tim and Ramie tried their best to make Norma’s dream come true. Her journey wasn’t just a benchmark for the aged people but was inspiring them too to live their lives and explore the untrodden roads.
In March, Norma turned 91 she was more than happy, full of life and excited about the new experiences that were coming in her way. Ramie had already posted about her birthday and soon she had started to receive numerous wishes and bouquets. This was her first birthday without her husband but regardless of the number of gifts, nothing could replace his wishes and warmth. However, the love that she was receiving had somehow filled the void.
Florida Calling
After celebrating her birthday they resumed their journey and went on to explore some more. Florida became their next stop and fortunately, they had arrived at the best time of the year. Albuquerque city was hosting the international Balloon festival and the sky was filled with colorful balloons forming rainbows everywhere.
Norma saw the sight of those colorful balloons and wished she had been there with Leo. When Leo was still alive he had expressed his desire to ride in a hot balloon with Norma and while they were sorting some papers after his death they found numerous advertisements that he had collected buried under his important papers. She was sad but she didn’t have a clue about the surprise her son was planning for her.
The Return Journey
After a few days in Florida, it was time to bid the place goodbye. The people in the motel in which they were staying had instantly bonded with Norma and watching her leave seemed difficult for them. Especially the maintenance guy had become emotional when he heard about their departure date so he thought of giving her something special on her last day in Florida.