Colorful Susan Peters, 1943
Even though her career wasn’t big on the screen, she still made her ways to reach the audience’s heart. She featured in the movies like Dr. Gillespie’s New Assistant and The Big Shot before she won an Academy Award nomination for her role in Random Harvest as Kitty. After this short film, she appeared in 8 more movies before she died in 1952 due to a chronic kidney infection.
Under Construction In 1934
One of the many projects, Hoover Dam helped America come out of the Great Depression. The construction of Hoover Dam was a $49 million project in 1931. In 2016, this project would have cost $639 million to finish. By 1934, the Dam gave employment to 5,251 laborers. But even after putting so much human power for two years the project seemed like a never-ending road.
Kmart In The 1970s
Kmart has been here for a very long time now. This one-stop shop to buy anything you wanted changed the way people shopped. The concept of buying more in less changed the market for people and competitors were running for money. In the 1970s, this place was never empty. It was always filled with people who came here to save and indeed, it worked.
Photograph of “Rabbit Tail,”1895
Rabbit Tale, a member of the Shoshone tribe was born in Frankfurt, Germany. The Shoshone tribe migrated to new home present-day Idaho and Wyoming after they were displaced from their native place. The Shoshone tribe cooperated with the US Army in the 1860s and fought along with them in the Battle of the Rosebud against the Lakota and Cheyenne.
“Just Divorced” In 1934
We have seen several decorated cars on the road with a sign “Just Married” on them. But this man celebrated his divorce in the most humorous way. Though it might look depressing to some but looking at this man’s face who seems to be very happy after coming out of a toxic relationship. He turned his pain into humor. He could have been a good stand-up comedian. Just a suggestion.
The Night Watchdog On Duty
In the early and mid 20th centuries, guard dogs did the job of human guards of the store. This picture is from Macy’s department store in New York City, 1954. Dogs were put in the store because of their loud barks if someone clever ever tried to steal something. Dobermann Pinschers and German Shepherd were their first choice because of their nature of being sweet and sharp as required by the situation.