Before The Internet Arrived

Internet and then mobile phones took away the joy of going out and having real fun with our group of friends. But back in 1959, they didn’t have the internet, so what did they do to pass time? They were curious. They actually tried fitting human inside a phone booth to see how many of them can actually fit. You know what? We are happy with our phones and internet.
My Loving Pet

Before this photo, we saw two other photos of human loving their pets. But this something we don’t know what to say about. This girl could have had any pet she wanted but she went for an alligator. Alligators don’t love you back they eat you up, little kid!
The Nagasaki
During World War II, it was a city of Nagasaki, Japan that suffered the most dreadful fate in the history of wars. This picture shows the powerful side of the atomic bomb that took away lives like a snap of Thanos from the movie Avengers: Endgame. But that was just a movie and here it really happened that shocks the world even today.
Hitler In Newspaper

Before Hitler became what he is known for he was found standing in the crowd before the announcement of World War I was made official for the citizen. You can see his excitement in the photo and who could have thought that this man would become the reason behind World War II.
Magician Harry Houdini,1899

Harry Houdini is considered as the biggest magician of all times. Magicians all around the globe try the act he did in his days. This picture is also from one of its acts. Though it was taken before he was getting ready to amaze the world. He must have been going for something big. But we can imagine what he was trying to do, right? Like chains and locks then inside the water and you know the rest.
Mahatma Gandhi
This picture was taken seconds before Mahatma Gandhi was shot by the man named Nathu Ram Godse. You can actually see the man touching Gandhi’s feet before he shot him dead. The whole world was in shock as Gandhi wasn’t some man for India. He was the Father of the Nation.