Charlie Chaplin Meets Helen Keller
This picture is the most beautiful of all we have seen until now. Two most famous personalities in a single frame are something to stare for a very long time. Both of them look quite happy about the meeting but it’s Charlie’s expression that tells us how overwhelmed he must have been after meeting Ms. Keller. On the other hand, Ms. Keller is like, ” I have met many celebrities before you, Mr. Chaplin.”
The First Flight
This photo shows us the first-ever stable flight completed by a human in 1903. Orville Wright was the pilot and the person running alongside the plane was his brother Wilbur Wright. Though the flight lasted for only 12 seconds, still it must have been a great moment for the Wright brothers. They were one the right track that would soon change the world.
Lewis Payne
This person in the photo is Lewis Payne, who was involved in the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. He did something this terrible at such a young age. Who could have imagined that something huge like assassination was inside this young man?
A Black Soldier
Josef Mambo, who came to Germany with his family when he was just a child served in WWI as a sergeant. Though Germans of African descent were barred to enter the army, Josef was still able to make it. He was ready to serve his country and you can see how proud he was of himself.
Is It A Drone Image?

Can you see that white-white thing in the middle of the park? After the death of Princess Diana in 1977, people came around Buckingham Palace to pay their condolences. They left flowers in front of the gate of the palace and you can imagine what an amazing crowd it would have been that was able to produce such a view from the above. Who took the photo though? Must have been the reporters of some news channel in their chopper.
After WWII

World War II was a huge deal. So many people and soldiers lost their lives. Cities were burned, people migrated from one place to another to find a safe haven. This picture of American soldiers returning home after the war makes us smile. Even though we aren’t able to see any faces here but still, we can see the excitement and rush of these soldiers who waited for so long to meet their families.