Lightning Tree

Photographer Darren Pearson captured this perfect shot of a tree being struck by lightning. In this picture, the words of Ben Franklin seems to find their rightful explanation that lightning is nothing but electricity slicing from the sky.

Cats Are Smarter Than Dogs

Indeed cats are smarter than dogs. A white furry cat hiding smartly from two Doberman pinschers. Dobermans are great watch-dogs and yet cats are way ahead of them. We don’t have to say much here as the cat’s reaction is enough to explain everything.

Tasmanian Tiger Family

This photo was taken in the Beaumaris Zoo, Hobart during 1910. Known as Tasmanian tiger and the Tasmanian wolf, was none of the two: wolf or tiger. They are now an extinct species. What caused their species to end must be spread of disease, domesticated dogs, hunting, and habitat loss.

A Crab Vs Sea Stars For Squid’s Carcass.

In order to live every living organism fights for food. Once dead, any living organism is food for others. In this photo, two sea stars are fighting with a crab for their share of the squid’s carcass. Sea stars might look peaceful to you but they eat snails, clams, barnacles, and sea urchins while open in the oceans.

Shackleton’s Endurance

In 1915, Sir Ernest Shackleton’s Trans-Antarctic exploration vessel ‘Endurance’ got stuck in shifting ice before getting crushed by the ice. Later on, it sank. The captain and his crew continued camping on the ice for 497 days. At last, they reached for the open sea in their life rafts and reached an inhabited island.

Soviet Soldiers And Polar Bears

It will be a matter of seconds for a fully grown polar bear to kill a fully grown person. But this picture of a Soviet soldier offering food to a Mumma polar bear is just unbelievable. We know you want us to say it but this photo is not fake, in fact, it was clicked in the Chukchi Peninsula of the Soviet Union.