Snowy Cell Tower

This is a post-snowstorm picture of a cell phone tower. Horizontal icicles are formed in the direction in which wind blows. The person you see standing on the tower is the one who has the job to fix the tower and make it work again.

Lightning Storm Over Lake Michigan

At Chicago’s coastline, this scene appeared and a photographer managed to get the perfect shot where more than one lightning can be seen striking at the surface of the lake. A result of perfect timing and location.

King Cobra Vs Python

So here it is: In a fight between a King cobra and a python, both died. Python asphyxiates the cobra and the latter one bites the Python. As a result, both died. Must have been a deadly fight right there. 

Lens-Shaped Clouds

Sometimes, Lens-Shaped Clouds are visible from 60 miles distance. People aren’t wrong when they misunderstand these clouds for UFOs. After all, they look like one. Lens clouds are results of air movements on the top of the mountain which disturbs the air flow. The moist air lets the water vapor to condense resulting in these flat round or oval clouds. 

Blue Ice Monolith

A 50-ft Blue ice monolith in the Antarctic is a mesmerizing view. Many websites claim this to be a tsunami wave that was frozen. Well, that’s fake reasoning while actually it a blue ice phenomenon. This happens in the case of extremely thick ice and when the light tries to pass through it the red wavelengths are left out and only blue color can be seen.

Rarest Breed: Black Jaguar

A black jaguar is one of the rarest exotic breeds. Their fur is of rich golden color with dark black spots. Previously believed as a different species, scientists recently admitted that they just differ in color. No matter how beautiful they look, they are wild hunters. Never forget that.