Qizai, The Brown Panda
Qizai is not any species but the only living being of his kind. He is the only living brown panda on this planet that the world knows about. Generally, pandas are black and white but this was born with white and light brown color in a Chinese forest. Sadly, his mamma panda abandoned him due to his abnormal color. Later, he was found by a group of people who took him to the Foping Panda Valley, China. Here, he is not bullied anymore and lives a happy furry life. The brown grizzly bear-like panda is now 7 years old and the caretakers are hoping that he would appreciate a female panda’s company.
An Apocalyptic Sunset
This photo grabbed a lot of attention when people started to see a mountain like formation in the clouds from the streets of Moscow. At first, it was doubted to be an edited photo but its 100% percent real.
Terri And Steve Irwin And A Croc
This picture was clicked in 1996, shows his love for the reptiles. The Crocodile Hunter, Steve Irwin and his wife Terri were much more than ordinary zookeepers. They were famous for the work and progress they made as conservationists and educators. The 90s kid can never forget this brave man who impressed the worldwide audience by his work.
Sadly, the man died while recording a wild stingray on September 4th, 2006 when it struck its tail right through his chest. Irwin knew the risk that was involved in his work and yet he chose to do it. He once said: “I have no fear of losing my life – if I have to save a koala or a crocodile or a kangaroo or a snake, mate, I will save it.”
Not A Male Body Part
Atretochoana eiselti, is nicknamed as the *male organ* snake for the reason you know very well. Anyway, it’s neither that male body part nor a snake. In fact, it’s a limbless amphibian. For over a century, people only knew of this p***s snake which is, by the way, the largest tetrapod without lungs and was only believed to exist because of Sir Graham Hales who conserved two specimens in the late 19th century until it was rediscovered in 2011.
Giant Manta Ray
In the picture is a 20-foot wide, 5,000 lb. manta ray that was trapped in a boat’s anchor line. To see a fish outside the river is saddening for us but this is the largest manta ray ever found. The International Union for Conservation of Nature put manta rays in the list of the vulnerable species. Reasons causing their deaths: pollution, fishing for Chinese folk medicine, and fishing nets. Sadly, this is not the only manta ray who died after getting entangled in the fishing nets as many others face the same fate every day.
The Rare Catatumbo Lightning 
Catatumbo Lightning is a specialty of Catatumbo River, Venezuela. This incredible lighting occurs from 140 to 160 nights a year. At times it occurs back to back for around 10 hours with more than 250 strikes per hour. The storm originates from the energy of the wind blowing across the Maracaibo Lake and other water bodies around the lake. The area is covered with mountains from three sides which the masses of air climb and gets charged electrically on the way. This region contains the most sustained lightning activity on our planet.