Storm Chasers In 1898?
During May 1898, this photo was clicked on the outskirts of Waynoka, Oklahoma City. Many people claim, that the two people in the photograph were storm chasing and the man who clicked this picture was a part of their team. Here’s the interesting fact: The first acknowledged storm chaser, David Hoadley was born 40 years after this photograph was clicked! Hence, there’s this most acceptable theory which is: these guys must be amateurs who loved to follow the vicious weather.
Oops! Living Inside The Skull
Hermit crabs live in water but are unique in their own way. They are not born with a shell of their own but living with a shell still remains in their nature. They look for a suitable shell to feel at home, it can be anything. As in the picture, this Hermit crab was able to find his home inside a human skull. As this crab is not fully grown it might have to find a bigger shell for itself as it grows.
Lightning Inside Water Spout

A person shared the photo on his social media page and said: “Lightning inside a waterspout. Shot from the back of Kenny J, a sport fisher while on the way out to the reef to fish for snapper. Little Torch Key, mm 28 Florida Keys. It was noisy for a little while. The lightning was about a mile from the boat.” What is your take on it?
Nebraskan Mammatus Clouds
So, this how it looks after a tornado, not always but possibilities are high. First reported in 1894 by William Clement Ley, this cloud formation is known as mammatus or mammary clouds. It is a result of cold air that falls on warm clouds which creates a pouch like formation. We won’t take you much into the scientific details of it and will inform you of the important part- that such formations are usually considered deadly for the aircraft as it causes downdraft.
Seagull Saving Seagull
This is another moving photograph that we’ve come across today. A seagull fighting a bald eagle for the life of its mate. The bald eagles are predators and seagulls are one of their favorite meals. But these two seagulls, one in the eagle’s clutches and other one attacking the eagle are an example of undying spirit. We’ve to tell you this heads down that we didn’t find the result of this fight. We just hope both the seagulls were able to tell the eagle: “Not Today!”
Tippi And Tiger Gregory
The 1981’s “Roar” is said to be one of the most dangerous movies to be made in Holywood till date. During the filming of this movie, more than 7o people got injuries by the wild animals that were in most of the movie scenes. Injuries included minor scratches as well as broken body parts. Some crew members were hurt. The movie starred Noel Marshall with his then-wife, Tippi Hedren as the lead actress with their daughter, Melanie Griffith.