Dumbo Octopus
Octopus can be giant or small, tasty or scary. On top of everything, they can also be one of the cutest things you’ll see today. Presenting the Dumbo Octopus. We guess you all know how this species got its name. The best part is they are luckier than the real Dumbo, the elephant, who was forced into circus business.
Beluga, The Mermaids
Beluga whales are also known as the sea canaries for their soothing singing voice underwater. Also, their color and mystical shape made many sailors mistake them for mermaids. Belugas are different from the rest of the whales at several levels. This photo in some way did justice to those sailors’ beliefs.
Creepy Aquarium Sculpture
Scuba divers are mostly strong hearted people who aren’t really scared of the world underneath the surface of the sea. However, this sight at the Oregon Undersea Gardens can scare anyone. This is a sculpture made to look real and give you the chills.
Oh! Baby Elephant
With a lot of distress, we’ve to say that this photo is not fake. This baby elephant got stuck inside a manhole. This is the saddest thing we’ve seen today. Mama elephant carries her baby in her womb over one and a half year making it the longest pregnancy recorded in any mammal. Seeing her baby in a manhole, this mother tried everything she could. We can only hope that the person who clicked this picture was a member of the rescue team or at least called someone to help the buddy.
Giant Crocodile
In 1957, Krystina Pawlowski, a woman hunter came into limelight after she shot the biggest crocodile ever found by humans. The Queensland, Australia native was admired by national as well as international media. A 30-year-old beautiful blonde wearing a dark red shade of lipstick and khaki shorts killed the 28ft crocodile with one shot. After that, she had been nicknamed as One Shot and she made a place for her name in the Guinness Book of World Records.
Meanwhile In Alaska
Bear attacks are rare incidents but bear chasing humans like this was never seen before. As a matter fact, more people die of bee stings and snake bites than any attack by wild animals. We don’t know what can provoke bears, in this case, it must have been the bike, right? We just wonder how even the person who clicked this photo got a chance to click it!